Hello, Wing!
OK, we are ready for our first Wing program!
Create your project directory
Let's create an empty directory for your project.
mkdir hello-wing
cd hello-wing
Your application entrypoint
Add a new file called hello.w
with the following code. This file is the
entrypoint of your Wing application.
bring cloud;
let bucket = new cloud.Bucket();
let queue = new cloud.Queue();
queue.add_consumer(inflight (message: str) => {
bucket.put("wing.txt", "Hello, ${message}");
This code should be mostly self explanatory. We define a queue, and every time a
message is added to the queue, a handler is triggered and creates a file named wing.txt
with "Hello, ${message}!"
content .
Now that we've written this program, let's run and test it using the Wing Console.